Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Odisha Police Recruitment of 1370 Civil Constable

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill up of 1370 post of Civil Constables in the Dist. / Estts. / Police Commissionerate in prescribed form. The Reservation for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / S.E.B.C. / Ex-Serviceman / Sports Persons / Home Guards / Group”D” employees working in Police Department and Women candidates of the different categories shall be made in accordance with the provisions made under such Acts, Rules, Orders or instructions as issued by the Govt. from time to time. The number of post advertised may increase at any time.

Number of Posts:  1370 post of Civil Constables

 (i) A candidate must have passed +2 examination or equivalent examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha or by any other recognised Board / Council
 (ii) A candidate should be able to speak, read and write Odia and must have passed Odia as one of the subject in the High School Certificate examination or an examination in Odia language equivalent to any standard recognised or conducted by the School and Mass Education Department of Govt. of Odisha.
 (iii) A candidate must have registered his / her name in any one of the Employment Exchange of the concerned District or covering the Dist. for which he / she can apply for the post of Constable before the publication of advertisement for recruitment. A candidate should not register his / her name in more than one employment exchange.
 (iv) A candidate must not have more than one spouse living, should be of sound health and of good character and free from organic defects and physical deformity.
 (v) A Group ”D” employee working in Police Department must have completed 5 years of continuous service and have good service record without any major punishment.
 (vi) A Home Guard Candidates must have completed 3 years of enrolment without any interruption on the date on which the advertisement for recruitment is published and must have under gone the basic course of training for Home Guards.

Age limit.
 The candidates shall not be below 18 years of age and above 23 years of age as on 01.01.2015 (upper age is relaxable up to 5 years in case of SC & ST & Women candidates). The age limit for Ex-Serviceman shall be relaxed as per Govt. Rules. Similarly, the age limit for Home Guard candidates shall be 28 years of age as on 01.01.2015. Age of a Group ”D” employee, should not exceed 43 years as on 01.01.2015. Candidate can avail only one benefit as indicated above.

Examination Fee.
The candidates (other than SC/ST candidates) are required to Pay Rs.150/- (Rupees One hundred Fifty) only towards examination fee in shape of Bank Draft / Postal Order. The Bank Draft / Postal Order shall be payable to the concerned Supdt. of Police of the Dist. and Dy.Commissioner of Police (Hqrs.), Bhubaneswar.  Application Forms received without Bank Draft / Postal Order, will not be entertained. The S.C. / S.T. candidates are exempted from paying the examination fees.

How to apply.
(i) Irrespective of the category, the candidates intending to apply in Dist. / Police Commissionerate shall pay Rs.35/- (Thirty five) only in shape of Bank Draft / Postal Order towards cost of application forms in the concerned Dist. SsP / Dy. Commissioner of Police (Hqrs.), Bhubaneswar. Apart from this, the application form will be down loaded in the website of Odisha Police www.odishapolice.gov.in. The candidates who have down loaded the application forms from the website shall also pay Rs.35/- in shape of Bank Draft / Postal Order with the application form. The Bank Draft / Postal Order will be in favour of concerned Supdt. of Police of the Dist. / Dy.Commissioner of Police (Hqrs.), Bhubaneswar. The application form other than purchased from concerned Dist. Police/Commissionerate Police or down loaded from website shall not be accepted. The application form along with Bank Draft / Postal Order and photo copies of self attested certificates should be sent to the concerned Supdt. of Police of the Dist. / Dy.Commissioner of Police (Hqrs.), Bhubaneswar (T) Post or by hand of the concerned Dist. Police / Commissionerate.

The last date for submission of application is 31.01.2015. Applications received after 31st January, 2015 shall not be entertained.

Advertisement Details: http://www.odishapolice.gov.in/sites/default/files/PDF/ADVERTISEMENT%20FOR%20%20ENGLISH%20VERSION%20-%20_CIVIL%20CONSTABLE.pdf

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