Monday, 18 January 2016

Anna University Recruitment 2016 ~ Jr Assistant & Office Asstistant Posts

Applications are invited for the following posts of Anna University, Chennai

Total No. of Posts: 120
Name of the Posts:
1. Junior Assistant: 45 Posts
2. Office Assistant: 75 Posts

Prescribed application form, together with information and instructions to the candidates, containing the details of qualifications, experience etc. can be downloaded from the Web Site The candidates shall send the application duly enclosing a Demand Draft for Rs.750/- for General category and Rs.500/- for Tamilnadu SC/ST candidates dated not earlier than 13.01.2016 along with the required enclosures to the Registrar, Anna University, Chennai-25.

Last date for the receipt of completed application is 29.01.2016 by 5.00 p.m.



Junior Assistant (i) Must possess a Degree (10+2+3/10+3+2) pattern
(ii) Passed in Typewriting English by lower grade and
(iii) Certificate in Word Processing, using computers. Office Assistant (i) Must have passed VIII Std.
(ii) Must be able to ride a Bi-Cycle.
(iii) Possession of Valid Driving Licence (LMV) Preferred.

Junior Assistant : Rs.5200-20200 +2400 Grade pay
Office Assistant : Rs.4800-10000 +1300 Grade pay
The Pay carries DA, HRA, CCA and Medical Allowance as admissible at the rates in force
from time to time.
Appointees will be governed by the CPS only

Age Limit:
Junior Assistant : Below 30 (32 for MBC/ BC and 35 for SC/ ST )
Office Assistant : below 35 (40 for BC/ MBC and 45 for SC/ ST)
(Differently abled person will be eligible for age concession upto ten years over and above the age limits prescribed )
(Ex-servicemen: not completed 53 years of age in case of SC/SCA/ST/ MBC(DNC)/BC and 48 years of age for others on the 1st July of the years in which the selection is made.

Junior Assistant: Candidates selection will be based on written test and interview.
Office Assistant : Based on interview /Cycling.

1. The applicants should possess the required qualification and should be sent the Demand Draft for Rs.750/- for General Category and Rs.500/- for SC/ST category drawn in favour of the Registrar, Anna University, Chennai and dated not earlier than 13.01.2016 should be sent to the REGISTRAR, ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI - 600 025 by Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due or by Courier Mail and the envelope containing the application should be superscribed on the left hand top corner as “Application for the post of Junior Assistant /Office Assistant. The last date for the receipt of the completed application is 29.01.2016 by 5.00 p.m.
2. The University is not responsible for any postal delay / loss in transit of the application.
3. The completed application may also be dropped in the box at the Tapal Section at the Administrative Building of the University.
4. Applications from candidates who are employed in State Government/Quasi Government will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel or a “No Objection Certificate” from the employer is produced at the time of interview.
5. Candidates are required to forward their applications in the prescribed form, accompanied by copies of degree certificates, and other academic and technical qualifications, evidence of age.
6. Candidates with educational pattern 10 + 2 + 3 / 10 + 3 + 2 / 10 + 3 + 3 / 11+1+3 /
11 + 2 + 3 only will be considered for the post of Junior Assistant.
7. Candidates should register their name with Employment Exchange at concerned District Employment Office.
8. If a qualified and suitable woman candidate belonging to SC, ST, MBC, BC or GT is not available for selection for appointment against the vacancy reserved for women in the advertisement it shall go to a male candidate within the respective category, who is eligible and found suitable for the post by the selection committee.
9 If no qualified and suitable destitute widow is available, the turn so set apart for destitute widow shall go to the women (other than destitute widow) belonging to the respective category.
10 If no qualified and suitable candidates belonging to SC (Arunthathiyar) are available the
seat reserved for SC(A) will be filled up by other SC members on merit basis.
11. Applications incomplete in any respect and those received after the due date will be rejected.
12 Applications from persons who do not possess the minimum prescribed qualification for the post will be summarily rejected.
13. Interim correspondence in connection with the application will not be entertained.
14. Appointment on deputation basis will not be considered under any circumstances.
15. In case, the number of applications received is 5 times more than the number of vacancies, a test will be conducted, to shortlist the candidates.
16. Applicants should be prepared to come for a test and interview / interview at Chennai at their own cost.
17.Requests for change of date of test / interview will not be considered.
18. The University reserves rights to fill or not to fill the vacant posts.
19. The candidate should able to read and write in Tamil.
20. The decision of the Syndicate on the recommendation of the Selection Committee shall be final and no appeal or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
21. If the interview for the post notified above could not be conducted by the University for any reasons, the cost of application shall be refunded to the candidates concerned.
22. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

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