Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL) Engineer and Apprentice posts

Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL) invites online applications upto 01.09.2014 (12:00 midnight) from Bonafide Himachali candidates fulfilling prescribed educational and professional qualification for engagement as Apprentice Trainees for a period of one year only (without any extension whatsoever) in the following categories:

1. Apprentice Engineer (Civil): 13 posts

Qualification: B.E./B.Tech.(Civil) with 60% marks

2. Apprentice Engineer (Electrical):13
Qualification: B.E./B.Tech.(Electrical) with 60% marks

3. Apprentice Engineer (Mechanical) : 07 posts
Qualification:B.E./B.Tech.(Mechanical) with 60% marks

4. Apprentice Engineer (IT) : 06 posts
Qualification:B.E./B.Tech. (Computer Science/IT)/ MCA with 60% marks 

5. Apprentice Executive (Personnel); 06 posts
Qualification:MBA (HR/Personnel) with 50% marks 

6. Apprentice Executive (Finance) : 08 posts
Qualification:MBA (Finance)/ICWA/CA/MFSC with 50% marks 

7. Apprentice (Company Secretary): 01 post
Qualification:a) Candidate who has passed in Professional Programme of Company Secretary but is yet become a member of ICSI Or b) Candidate who is Member of ICSI

8. Apprentice JE (Civil) : 05 posts
Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering with 50% marks 

9. Apprentice JE (Electrical): 05 posts
Qualification: Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 50% marks 

10. Apprentice (Geologist) : 05 posts
Qualification: MA/ M.Sc in Geology with 50% marks

11. Apprentice (R&R) : 05 posts
Qualification: MA Sociology/Masters in Social Work with 50% marks

12. Apprentice Junior Officer (Environment): 05 posts
Qualification: Masters in Environment Science/Environment/ Forestry/ Wild life/Natural Resource Management/ Wood Sciences/ Forest Management/ Environmental Planning/ Ecology/ Wild Life with 50% marks.

Age as on closing date:
a) For Graduates/ PG professionals: 22 to 30 years
b) For Diploma holders: 18 to 24 years.

Remuneration: Apprentice Engineer (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical/ IT) Apprentice Executive (Personnel/ Finance/Company Secretary) : Rs. 12,000/- per month
Apprentice JE(Civil/ Electrical) Apprentice (R&R/Geologist) Apprentice JO( Environment) : Rs. 8,000/- per month

Closing date for applying online: The last date for online submission of application is 01.09.2014 (upto 12:00 midnight).

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