Friday, 14 August 2015

Air India Express Recruitment of Airline Attendants 2015

Air India Charters Ltd Wishes to engage AIRLINE ATTENDANTS, as per requirements and to maintain a waitlist, on a fixed term contract, for a period of three years, for its low cost Airline AIR INDIA EXPRESS, to undertake flying duties on board the aircraft, in Kozhikode/Mangalore/Kochi/Thiruvananthapuram. In case of company requirements, these employees may also be required to undertake ground duties at different stations, at the Airport/Office.

No.of Vacancies: 198 (SC-32,ST-14,OBC-49,UR-98)

Age Limit: Between 18 and 24 years (Relaxable upto 5 years in case of SC/ST and 3 years in case of OBC categories)

Minimum Educational Qualification: 10+2 from a recognized Board/University

Marital Status: Unmarried

Height : Minimum required for :
Male : 165 cms ( 5’ 5” )
Female : 157.5 cms ( 5’ 2” )
(Relaxation of 2.5 cms (1”) for SC/ST candidates and those hailingfrom North-East States & hilly areas. This relaxation will be grantedto candidates who produce a Certificate of Domicile of this area).

Weight: In proportion to height as per Company’s standard

Near Vision N/5 in a better eye and N/6 in worst eye.
Distant vision 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in another eye.
Spectacles NOT allowed.
Contact lenses up to +2D permitted.
Colour vision should be normal on Ishihara Chart.

Cosmetic appearance:
Should be well groomed with Clear complexion without any
noticeable blemish, no odd scars / birth marks.
Even and regular teeth.

Clear speech, no stammering, lisping. Command of the English/Hindi language should be with clear understandable accent
Language Proficiency: Should be fluent in English and Hindi and one or more Indian languages. Preference will be given to those proficient in Malayalam.
Preference and due weightage will be given in the selection to:
a. Applicants who have three years’ Degree/Diploma Holder in Hotel Management and Catering Technology from a Government recognized Institute.
b. Applicants who have flying experience as Cabin Crew.
b. Applicants who have successfully undergone a Course in First Aid

Other Requirements:
Applicants must be well groomed and have a clear complexion.
They should be dynamic and have a friendly hospitable disposition, with pleasing gestures.


Selection Procedure involves
Group Dynamics test
Personality Assessment
Personal Interview (PI)
Pre-employment Medical Examination/ Previous Employment References

Candidates will have to bear the cost of the Pre-Employment Medical Examination(s), which could range between Rs.500/- and Rs.1000/. Any additional tests, ifrequired, the additional cost
thereof will also have to be borne by the candidate.

Interested candidates, who fulfill the above requirements, may apply ONLINE ONLY Candidates who wish to apply, are advised to log on to Careers Page of  Website: and fill in the Online Application Format.

Before applying ONLINE, please ensure that you are ready with the following Documents/information: -
1. A valid e-mail ID
2. A DIGITAL/SCANNED Passport-size Photograph (Size 10 KB to 35 KB ONLY) in JPG/JPEG format
3. A Medical Certificate from a MBBS Doctor stating therein Height in Centimeters (cms), Weight in Kilograms (Kgs) and Body Mass Index (BMI) and Colour Vision (Colour Blindness). The details with regard to Physical Standards, Doctor’s name and Registration Number of the Doctor will be required while filling the Online Application Form. Candidates will be required to bring the said Medical Certificate in original at the time of appearing for GD & PI. A Format of Medical Certificate is also available on our Website for facilitation of the candidates.
4. Candidates using contact lenses will b e required to bring a Certificate from an Ophthalmologist indicating therein the power of lenses as the same will be required while filling the Online Application Form. Candidates, who have undergone lasik surgery for correction of eyesight, will be required to bring a Certificate from an Ophthalmologist/supporting documents indicating therein the date on which, they have undergone for lasik surgery as the same will be required while filling the Online Application Form. Such candidates will be required to bring the said Medical Certificate/s in original at the time of appearing for GD & PA.
5. A non-refundable Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) in favour of AIR INDIA CHARTERS LIMITED, payable at MUMBAI DD should be issued only from a nationalized bank. Details of DD should be entered while applying online. Candidates would be required to submit the said Demand Draft at the time of GD & PA (Not applicable for SC/ST candidates).
6. For SC/ST/OBC candidates only- Caste Certificate details - such as date of issuance and issuing authority. (Candidates belonging to OBC categories must be in possession of caste certificate in the prescribed proforma issued by the appropriate authority for Central Government employment.)
Note: All correspondence would be made ONLINE with the candidates. Eligible candidates would be required to bring photocopies of testimonials in support of their date of birth, qualification, experience, Caste and Medical Certificate(s) along with originals. Candidates would also be required to bring Demand Draft (if applicable) & domicile proof (if claiming relaxation in height) at the time of appearing for GD & PA
7. All Candidates, who fulfill the above eligibility criteria should apply online. Those employed in Government/Semi Government/Public Sector/ Private Sector Undertakings will be required to bring a “No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of appearing for GD & PA.
8. No Physical Application will be entertained under any circumstances.

Start Date for submission of Online Application : 13th August 2015 (Beginning of working hours)
Last Date for submission of Online Application : 2nd September 2015 (Close of working hours)

Advertisement Details & To Apply Online:

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