Sunday, 31 January 2016

West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (WBSETCL) Recruitment 2016 - Engineers, Technician and Executives

West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited, a Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise and the State Transmission utility (STU) of West Bengal having its Turnover of `1020 Crores with net profit of `269 Crores in 2014-15 and employee strength of more than 2543 operating through its Registered and Corporate Office at Vidyut Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata and 23 nos. of O&M Area Offices, 07 nos. of Field Zonal Offices, 10 nos. of O&M Construction Offices and 13 nos. of Testing Area Offices spread across the State of West Bengal, invites online application from the eligible Indian Nations to fill-up the following posts.

01.    Assistant Engineer(E) (PB-4 Rs.15600/- - Rs.39100/-& Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-) 26 (UR:6, UR(EC):2, UR(MS):1, SC:2, OBC-A:12, OBC-A (EC): 2, OBC-B:1) Full time 4years‟ B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engineering) Degree in Electrical Engineering /Electrical & Electronics / Power Engineering / B.Sc (H) in Physics with 3years‟ B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University / Institute approved by AICTE / IITs.

02.    Assistant Manager (HR&A) (PB-4 Rs.15600/- - Rs. 39100/-& Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-) 02 (OBC-B: 01, OBCA:01) [All are backlog vacancy]
Graduate in any discipline and MBA (2 years‟ full time course) / MPM (2 years‟ full time course) /MHRM (2 years‟ full time course) with major specialization in Personnel Management / H.R. or Post Graduate full time Degree / Diploma (2 years‟ course) with specialization in Personnel Management / H.R. from a recognized University /reputed Institute approved by AICTE / IIMs / XLRI / IITB Schools.

03.    Assistant Manager(F&A) (PB-4 Rs.15600/- - Rs. 39100/- & Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-) 06 (OBC-A: 02, OBC-A(EC):01, ST(EC):01,SC (EC):01 PH:01) [All are backlog vacancy]
Qualification Graduate in any discipline and passed Final Examination from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India or MBA (2 years‟ full time) with major specialization in Finance from a recognized University / reputed Institute duly approved by AICTE / IIMs / XLRI / IITB Schools.

04.    Assistant Manager, (Corporate Communication) (PB-4 Rs.15600/- - Rs. 39100/- & Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-)
Vacancies 01 (UR:01)
Qualification Graduate in any discipline plus 2 years‟ full time Post Graduate Degree in Public Relations / Journalism / Mass Communication from any University recognized by UGC/ One year full time PG Diploma in Mass Communications / Public Relations / Journalism from Indian Institute of Mass Communication.

05.    Jr. Executive (F&A) (PB-3 Rs.9300/- - Rs.34800/-& Grade Pay of Rs.4700/-) 07 (ST: 0,ST(EC):01 OBC-A:03, PH:01, OBCA(EC):01) [All are backlog vacancy] Graduate in any discipline from a “UGC” recognized university with Inter CA/ICWA/1(one) year PG Diploma in Finance & Accounts or any higher Qualification in Finance & Accounts with duration at least one year from any University recognized by UGC/Institute approved by AICTE.

06.    Jr. Executive (Store) (PB-3 Rs.9300/- - Rs.34800/-& Grade Pay of Rs.4700/-) 22 (UR:06, UR(EC):04, SC:05, SC(EC):01, ST:01,OBCA:01,OBCA(EC):01, OBCB: 01, OBC-B (EC):01,PH:01) Graduate in any discipline from a “UGC” recognized university with a.1year PG Diploma in Logistics OR b.1year PG Diploma in Material Management OR c.1year PG Diploma in Logistics & Material Management OR d.1year PG Diploma in Supply Chain Management OR e.1year PG Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management from any University recognized by UGC/Institute approved by AICTE OR Graduate in any discipline from a “UGC” recognized university with 1year PGDBM with specialization in Logistics / Material Management / Supply Chain Management.

07.    Stenographer (PB-2 Rs.6300/- - 20200/-& Grade Pay of Rs.3600/-) 28 (UR:03,UR(EC): 02,SC:08, SC(EC):02, ST:03,ST(EC):01, OBC-A:05,OBCA(EC):01,OBCB:02,PH:01) Passed Graduation with 40% marks and proficiency in English language with minimum speed of 80words per minute in short hand. Proficiency in operating of MS Office

08.    Office Executive (PB-2 Rs.6300/- - Rs.20200/-& Grade Pay of Rs.3600/-) 27 (UR(MS):03,UR (Ex-S):05, SC(Ex-S):3 PH:06,OBC-A:05, OBC-A(EC):05) [All are backlog vacancy]

09.    Jr. Engineer(E) Gr.-II (PB-2 Rs.6300/- - Rs.20200/-& Grade Pay of Rs.4400/-) [with higher initial start at Rs. 9000/- in the Pay Band] 160 (UR:42,UR(EC): 18,UR(MS):4,UR (Ex-S):7, SC:16, SC(EC):12, SC(Ex-S):2,ST:4, ST(EC):5, OBCA:26, OBC-A (EC): 11, OBC-B:9, OBC-B(EC):4) Passed Full time 3 years‟ Diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute / College duly recognized by W.B. State Council of Tech. Education.

10.    Technician Gr.- III (PB-2 Rs.6300/- - Rs.20200/-& Grade Pay of Rs.2600/-) 142 (UR:46,UR(EC): 22UR(MS):3, UR(Ex-S): 5, SC:19,SC(EC):10, SC(Ex-S): 2, ST:5,ST(EC):3, OBC-A:10, OBC-A(EC):5, OBC-B:9,OBC-B (EC):3 ) Madhyamik or equivalent plus Trade Certificate under NCTVT from any Govt. ITI under Director of Industrial Training, Govt. of West Bengal in the trade of Wireman / Electrician.

Abbreviation: UR: Unreserved, SC: Schedule Caste, ST: Schedule Tribe, OBC: Other Backward Class, PH: Physically Handicapped, Ex-S: Ex-Serviceman, MS: Meritorious Sportsperson, EC: Exempted Category

NB: 1) Degree from Open University / Private University / Distance Learning mode / Part time / Sandwich Course shall not be considered. 2) They are required to furnish a bond of ` 1, 00,000/- in respect of the post codes 1 to 4 and of ` 50000/- for the remaining posts at the time of joining the Company and are required to serve the Company for a minimum period of 4 years from the date of joining including the Probation Period. In case the candidate resigns, he will be liable to pay the bond money to the Company. 3) Vacancies for the post of Assistant Manager (HR&A), Assistant Manager (F&A), Jr. Executive (F&A) & Office Executive are treated as Special Recruitment Drive for filling-up backlog vacancies. CAREER PROSPECT: The Company offers professional work environment with modern technology & system. The Company is in the process of modernizing and updating its activities with IT enabled services. It offers both time bound and fast track mode of promotion to the employees with higher responsibility depending upon their sincerity, initiative and merit. The selected candidates shall undergo extensive orientation / on-the-job and class room training in the Company‟s establishments. On successful completion of probation, they may be confirmed in service under the Company.

In addition to Basic Pay & G.P, the post also carry DA, HRA, Medical Allowance, Electricity Allowance, Hill Compensatory Allowance, LTC / HTC, EPF, Gratuity, Benefits for Indoor treatment in leading hospitals for Self & Dependents, Leave Encashment, Children Education Expenses and other allowances as per the Rules of the Company.

Minimum 18 years and maximum 27 years as on 01.01.2016. Age relaxation for SC/ST and OBC-A/B candidates will be 5 years and 3 years respectively. Ex Serviceman candidate will get age relaxation according to rules.SC / ST / OBC-A &B candidates from the states other than West Bengal shall be treated as General Candidate. PWD candidates will get Age relaxation up to 45 years of age.

Reservation for all posts will be made as per the guidelines issued by the Govt. of West Bengal from time to time. SC / ST / OBC-A &B candidates from the states other than West Bengal have to apply as General Candidate. The vacancy against Exempted Category is filled up as per rule of Govt. of W.B. The Recruitment of Sportspersons against reserved vacancy shall be made only to following sports events:
1) Football; 2) Cricket; 3) Athletic; 4) Badminton; 5) Table Tennis;

In order to be eligible, the candidate must produce requisite certificates issued by the respective Competent Authorities in the format as applicable in terms of Govt. of West Bengal Notifications

The following categories of Meritorious Sportspersons shall be given preference in recruitment.
a) Those who have represented West Bengal or India in a National or International Competition in sports discipline mentioned above.
b) Those who have represented a University in an Inter-University Tournament conducted by Inter-University Sports Board in any Sports discipline mentioned above.
c) Those who have represented State School Teams in National Competition for Schools conducted by all India School Games Federation in any spots discipline mentioned above.
Under Section 33 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act 1955 only such persons would be eligible for reservation who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability and are certified by a Medical Board constituted by the Central/State Govt. Accordingly, candidates with the following disabilities are eligible to apply. Candidates claiming such benefits should produce certificate in original (issued by the Competent Authority on or before the last date of online submission of application in the prescribed format available at the end of this advertisement) in support of their claim at the time of Interview/at any stage of the process if allotted to any of the Participating Organizations. Persons with Disabilities will have to work in Branches/Offices as identified by the respective Participating Organization.

Visually Impaired (VI) Blindness refers to condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions namely (i) Total absence of sight, (ii) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses, (iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending in angle of 20 degrees or worse. Low vision means a person with impairment of visual functionality even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning of execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.

Deaf & Hearing Impaired (HI) The deaf are those persons in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes of life i.e., total loss of hearing in both ears. They do not hear; understand sounds at all even with amplified speech. Hearing impairment means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversation range of frequencies. Orthopedically Challenged (OC) Only those Orthopedically Challenged candidates who have locomotor disability or cerebral palsy with locomotor impairment of minimum of 40% and only those who fall in the following categories are eligible to apply: BL – Both legs affected but not arms OA – One arm affected (R or L):– a) Impaired reach; b) Weakness of grip; c) Ataxia OL – One leg affected (R or L) MW – Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance.

Selection will be made on the basis of performance in Written test and Interview for all posts. Candidates called for Written Test / Interview shall not be entitled to reimbursement of travelling expenses. The Written Test / Interview /Computer Proficiency Test /Stenography Test will be held in Kolkata only. For the post of Office Executive and Stenographer Candidates shall required to appear in Computer Proficiency Test(CPT) and Stenography Test (for Stenographer post) after qualifying in Written Test. Candidates who are not qualified in CPT / Stenography Test will not be called for the Interview. Candidates must ensure that they have requisite qualifications shown against each post as per layout of qualification and fulfill all the required criteria before applying for the post.

Eligible candidates will be required to apply online only (on the internet) through the link „ONLINE REGISTRATION„ link on the WBSETCL Career portal. No other mode of application shall be accepted.

Before registering / submitting applications on the website, thecandidates  should possess a valid:
 E-mail ID
 Mobile number
 Scanned copy of recent passport size colored photograph (not more than 50KB size) of the candidate / scribe as applicable, and scanned signature (not more than 20KBsize) of the candidate as applicable.
 The application is liable to be rejected if the uploaded photograph / signature are not clear and not recognizable.
 Category (General/SC/ST/OBC-A&B/PWD/EXSM/EC/MSP) as submitted in the application cannot be changed thereafter and no benefit of other category reservation will subsequently be made admissible at any stage of the selection process. Category as mentioned at the time of submission shall remain unaltered during the recruitment process.
 Verify eligibility criteria against the position for which application is being made and then proceed to payment for submission of application fees, if any, through ONLINE mode or OFFLINE mode as per instruction provided under

 The candidate after making payment of application fee as indicated above, they must further re-login at the Career portal with their respective Payment Reference No. after 48 hrs of deposition of application fee (i.e., upon updating of payment records on WBSETCL server from SBI within maximum time of 48 hrs) to download their system generated Application Slip.
 Candidates are required to download and retain a copy of the system generated Application Slip capturing essential details as provided by the candidate for future reference.
 Candidates must write their name as it appears in the educational certificate of Secondary or equivalent examination. In case of change of name at a later stage necessary legally accepted documentary proof is to be submitted at the time of interview.
 Candidates are not required to send any document in support of their application or for appearing in the written test. However, candidates shortlisted for interview would be required to furnish documents regarding proof of Date of Birth, Qualification, Caste/Category, PWD, Ex-Serviceman status, Application slip, copy of payment details etc. at the time of interview, as per intimation to be given to the shortlisted candidates.
 All the certificates related to qualification should be issued by a recognized Board / Institute / University only. Wherever CGPA or letter grade in a qualifying degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the University / Institute. Candidates are required to submit Certificate to this effect from the respective University / Institute at the time of Interview.
 While filling the online application, candidates must carefully follow all the necessary steps as referred above. Incomplete application / application without fee /application not fulfilling any eligibility criteria will be rejected summarily. No communication will be entertained from the applicants in this regard.
 Candidates sponsored by Directorate of Employment Exchange, i.e., the Exempted Category Candidates will have to APPLY ONLINE only, failing which their candidature shall not be considered.  The candidates can access the online application form at Online submission will remain open from 29.01.2016 to 20.02.2016.However updating of deposition of application fee window remain active up to 22.02.16 midnight.
 All correspondence with candidates shall be done through E-mail / Mobile only. All information regarding examination schedule / download of Admit Card / Interview Call letters, etc. shall be provided through E-mail and through the WBSETCL website only. No hard copy mailing of Admit Card / Interview Call letters shall be done by the WBSETCL. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of Admit Card / Call Letter shall be that of the candidate. The WBSETCL will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail sent due to invalid / wrong E-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery of e-mails to SPAM / BULK mail folder etc.

General, OBC-A/B & Ex-Serviceman(UR / OBC-A & B) candidates are required to apply paying non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 400/- (Rupees Four Hundred only) for the post under Post Code 1 to 4 and Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only) for posts under Post Code 5 to 10. SC / ST candidates are exempted from deposition of Application Fees. PWD candidates who intend to apply for the posts under Post Code 5 to 8 are exempted from deposition of
Application Fees. All applicable commission levied by the banker is to be remitted by the candidate. State Bank of India (SBI) has been authorized to collect the application fee through SBI Collect facility only. Candidates may make payments through ONLINE or OFFLINE modes while filling the application form. A summarized process flow is given below:

STEP1:Candidates upon clicking on “Click here for Payment of Application Fee” they shall be directed to SBI Collect facility, as required, using which eligible candidates can make payment of application fees through (a) Debit Card(s)/ Credit Card (s) / Internet Banking of all domestic banks & financial institution (b) Bank Challan on clicking on SBI Branch option.
STEP 2: Upon successfully submission of the application fee online e-receipt will be generated containing a unique 10digit Payment Reference no starting wit[DUXXXXXXXX] which is to be recorded by the candidate for future reference. Candidates upon clicking on “SBI Branch Option” a two part challan will be generated and candidates have to take a print out of the challan and visit any branch of SBI for deposition of cash. The system generated Challan is to be used for depositing money in cash at any SBI branch up to 15:00 hours of 22.02.2016.
STEP 3: In case of OFFLINE payment i.e through Challan, upon successful cash deposition at any SBI branch a unique 10digit Payment Reference no starting with [DUXXXXXXXX] will be generated which is to be recorded by the candidate for future reference.
STEP 4: The candidate has to return to the WBSETCL Careers website and re-login (maximum 48 hours required for system to update payment details) to input the Payment Reference no of payment transaction and generate ones‟ Application Slip. A maximum of 48 hours is required for the payment transaction details to be updated on the WBSETCL server.
STEP 4: Candidates are to take a printout of the system generated Application Slip and retain such for future reference, as acknowledgement of application submitted.  Candidates can apply on the WBSETCL Careers portal from 29.01.2016 to 20.02.2016 and make payment of application fee ONLINE or OFFLINE in cash at any SBI Branch on and from 29.01.2016 to 22.02.2016 (upto 15:00hours) only, through Challan generated through SBI Collect upon clicking „SBI Branch‟ option. No application fee can be deposited at any SBI Branch subsequent to above mentioned dates. Candidature of any applicant so registering oneself at the WBSETCL Careers portal but subsequently failing to deposit application fee within 15:00 hours of 22.02.2016 shall be summarily rejected. Candidates are required to complete the entire process of submission of application and deposition of application fee to the bank within the aforesaid time and date positively. Application fee shall not be collected by any other mode. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying applicable application fee, if any.

The marks distribution of the segments of the written examination question paper is as described below: For the posts of Assistant Engineer (Elec.), Assistant Manager (HR&A), Assistant Manager (F&A), Assistant Manager (Corp. Comm.), Jr. Executive (F&A), Jr. Executive (Store), Jr. Engineer (Elec.) Gr-II and Technician Gr-III:

Medium for Examination: English (For the post of Technician Gr.-III question paper will be prepared in English & Bengali/Nepali)
Marks per question: 1(one)
No of Option in each question: 4(as A, B, C &D)
Negative Marking: 1(one) mark will be deducted for every 3(three) wrong answers.

 The candidates will be appointed provisionally after being found medically fit subject to receipt of satisfactory police verification report. All positions are transferable anywhere in West Bengal. Selected Candidates will be appointed in the regular Pay Band, initially on probation for a period of one year.
 Candidates must have the ability to read, speak and write in BENGALI / NEPALI language.  Candidates are requested to ensure that they fulfil the Eligibility Criteria on the date of eligibility i.e. as on 01.01.2016.
 Issuing of Call Letters & subsequent test will be purely provisional without Verification of Documents. During the time of verification if it is found that any Candidate has not fulfil the eligibility criteria his candidature will stand cancelled. Candidates called for Interview will be required to produce all original documents i.e. Age Proof, Proof of Essential Educational Qualification, Caste Certificate (if applicable) etc.
 Candidates will be allowed to appear for the Written Test only with Admit Card.
 Mobile Phone, Scanner, Pager & Other IT Gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the Examination Centre of WBSETCL. At the time of Examination if any candidates found with these instruments then his / her candidature will stand cancelled whatever reasons may be.
 Candidates can take their Question Booklet along with Duplicate Carbon Copy of the O.M.R for further reference after completion. Please make sure that before leaving Examination Centre signature of the WBSETCL representative, Signature of the Invigilator & Candidates own Signature are incorporated in the O.M.R sheet. If not then may please bring it to the notice of the room invigilator.
 WBSETCL reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge / modify / alter the Recruitment Process, if needed, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason therefore.
 Candidates employed in Govt. Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies have to produce NOC at the time of interview otherwise their candidature may be cancelled at that stage.
 Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Kolkata.
 While applying for the above posts, the applicant must ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility criteria including academic and professional qualifications as per NOTIFICATION and other norms mentioned above as on the specified dates. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment / selection that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and / or that he / she has furnished any incorrect / false / wrong information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his / her candidature will automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming(s) is / are detected even after appointment, his / her services are liable to be terminated.
 Category i.e. SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) / Physically Challenged / Ex-Serviceman /Meritorious Sportspersons once entered at the time of online registration shall not be allowed to be changed under any circumstances and no benefits of other category will be admissible later on.
 Wherever SGPA/DGPA/CGPA or letter grade in a degree is awarded; equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application (online) as per norms adopted by University / Institute.
 All correspondence with candidates shall be done through e-mail / SMS only. All information regarding examination schedule / admit card / interview call letters etc. shall be provided through e mail / uploading on WBSETCL‟s website. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of admit card / interview call letter / any other information shall be of the candidates only. WBSETCL will not be responsible for any loss of email due to invalid / wrong e-mail ID provided by the candidate or for delay / non receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his / her mail / website in time. The E-mail ID & Mobile No should be kept alive for next 1(one) year from the date of application.
 Application Form not properly filled in or incomplete in any respect or without requisite documents would be summarily rejected. Wilful suppression of any material fact will also be similarly dealt with.
 Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidates.
 One Candidate can apply for one post only under this notification. Candidates applying for more than one post will not be considered as Written Test for all the post will be held on same day.

Commencement of online registration of applications by candidates: 29.01.2016
Last date for receipt of online applications: 20.02.2016
Last date of updating Application Fees details: 22.02.2016 up to Midnight
Last Date of Deposition of Application Fees through SBI: 22.02.2016 up to 15:00hours
Written Test: 06th March‟ 2016

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