Sunday, 31 January 2016

SSC Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2016

Staff Selection Commission will hold on 27.03.2016 (Sunday) a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for recruitment to vacancies in Lower Division Grade reserved for regularly appointed Group ‘C’ Staff in the Grade Pay of Rs.1800/-in (i) Central Secretariat Clerical Service (ii) Armed Forces Headquarters Clerical Service (iii) Central Passport Organisation in Ministry of External Affairs (iv) Central Vigilance Commission Clerical Service (v) Ministry of Railway(Railway Board) and (vi) Ministry of Commerce and Industry (DGS&D). Only eligible employees for each of the above cadres will be considered for appointment in respective vacancies in the cadres. The examination will be held at New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Allahabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Guwahati Chandigarh and Raipur. There will be no Centre at any Indian Mission abroad. A candidate serving at an Indian Mission abroad will have to appear in this examination from any of the Examination Centre, mentioned above at his/her own expense.

The number of vacancies to be filled up on the basis of this examination will be as per the vacancies to be intimated to the Commission by each of the Cadre Authorityparticipating in this examination.

Pay Scale: - Pay Band-I(Rs.5200-20200/-) with Grade Pay of Rs.1900/-

CONDITION OF ELIGIBILITY:- Any permanent or regularly appointed Group ‘C’ employee in the Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- in any of the above mentioned Services/Cadres will be eligible to appear for vacancies existing only in their respective Services/Cadres. They are also to satisfy the following conditions in order to be eligible to appear in the examination.

As on 01.01.2016, the candidate must have passed 12th Standard examination from a recognized Board or equivalent.

Note:- Candidates who do not possess at least the minimum education qualification as on 01.01.2016 are not eligible for applying for the examination.

As on 01.01.2016, the candidates must have rendered not less than three years’ regular service as a Group-C employee with Grade Pay of Rs.1800.

Note-I: A Group ‘C’ employee with Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- who is on deputation to ex-Cadre post with the approval of the Competent authority shall be eligible to be admitted to the examination , if otherwise eligible.

A Group ‘C’ employee with Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- who has been appointed to an Ex-Cadre post or to another service on transfer and continues to have a lien in the said Group ‘C’ post for the time being shall also be eligible to be admitted to the examination , if otherwise eligible.

AGE LIMIT:- Not more than 45 years of age on 01.01.2016. This age limit is relaxable upto a maximum of 5 years for SC/ST candidates. Provided that the upper age limit may be relaxed in respect of such categories of the persons as may be notified from time to time in this behalf by the Central Government to the extent and subject to the conditions notified in respect of each category.

SELECTION OF CENTRE AND ADDRESS TO WHICH APPLICATION TO BE SENT:- A candidate must select only one of the Centres mentioned in Para-1 above for appearing in the written part of the examination. Request for change of Examination Centre will not be allowed under any circumstances. Candidate must send his/her application to Regional Director (NR), Staff Selection Commission, Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110504, through the Head of his/her Department/Office where he/she is working so as to reach the Commission by the stipulated Closing Date (12.02.2016).

Note-I: Cadre Authorities participating in the examination must forward the duly completed application form of the concerned eligible candidate to the Commission before the Closing Date (12.02.2016) stipulated in the Notice. Applications forwarded by any Cadre Authority after the Closing date (12.02.2016) will not be accepted by the Commission. Such application if received by the Commission will be rejected forthwith.

Note-II:In case, the Commission receives less than Ten (10) applications from eligible candidates for appearing in the examination at a particular centre, such candidates may be directed by the Commission to appear from the Delhi Centre at their own expenses and risk.

The Scheme of the examination:-

Note-I: Question Paper shall not be provided in BRAILLE and THERE WILL BE NO OPTION FOR ANSWERING IN BRAILLE.


Candidates are allowed the option to answer both the question papers either in English or in Hindi (in Devanagri Script). The option will be for both the papers viz. Short Essay (Paper-I) and Language and General Knowledge (Paper-II). The question papers will be in bilingual form. Paper II will be of objective type consisting of multi choice questions. The Commission has decided that in Paper-II, there will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates are therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the question.

Note:-I Candidate exercising the option to answer the papers either in English or in Hindi (in Devangri Script) must indicate their PREFRENCE/OPTION to do so clearly in Column-11 of the Application Form, otherwise, it would be presumed by the Commission that they would answer the papers in English.

Note:-II The option once exercised will be final and no request for change of option will ordinarily be entertained. II (Objective Type) (a) Language (General English or Saamanya Hindi)
(50 questions)- 50 marks (a)General Knowledge (English or Hindi) (50 questions)-50 marks 100 2 hours 1.00 PM to 3.00 PM 2 hours 40 minutes 1.00 PM to 3.40 PM

Note:-III Zero marks will be awarded for answer written in a language other than the one opted by the candidate. Further, if answers are written partly in one language and partly in another language, such answer script will not be evaluated and such candidate will be awarded ZERO marks.

(i) The Commission has discretion to fix qualifying marks in paper II and paper I of only those who obtain the qualifying marks in paper II will be evaluated.

Provision for Visually Handicapped (VH) Candidates:-
(a) All the Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates with visual disabilities of Forty (40) Percent and above including Blind and Partially Blind/Cerebral Palsy candidates who have applied for the examination can avail the assistance of a SCRIBE for indicating/writing the replies on their behalf. A SCRIBE will be provided by the Commission on request made by such visually handicapped (including blind and partially blind)/ Cerebral Palsy suffering candidate. Candidates will not be allowed to bring their own scribe. No  attendant will be allowed with such VH/CP candidates inside the examination premises.
(b) Such visually handicapped/Cerebral Palsy candidates, opting for availing the assistance of SCRIBE will have to make a request, in writing, in the prescribed format given at Annexure-III to the concerned Regional/Sub-Regional Office of the Commission for appearing in the said examination, at least 10 days before the date of examination for engaging a scribe and the medium of language in which the SCRIBE is required to write/indicate the replies of the questions set in the examination on his/her behalf.
(c) Visually Handicapped/Cerebral Palsy candidates will be allowed Compensatory Time of 30 minutes for Paper-I (Short Essay) and 40 minutes for Paper-II (Language and General Knowledge).
(d) The Visually Handicapped candidates including Blind and Partially Blind persons with visual disabilities of not less than forty (40%) percent who apply for the examination and who intend to engage a SCRIBE on their behalf for writing/indicating the replies in the examination will have to appear from any one of the Nine Examination Centre viz. New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Allahabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, Chandigarh and Raipur at their own risk and expense. They must also furnish the details of the degree of visual disability to authenticate their position/status as VH candidate at serial No.7 of the application form.

Provision of Magnifying Glass.
Candidates who are able to read the Question Paper and are able to write/indicate the answers with the help of Magnifying Glass will be allowed to use the Magnifying Glass in the Examination Hall. Such candidates will not be treated as Visually Handicapped candidates for the purpose of availing the assistance of Scribe or the question papers for VH candidates. However, such candidates will have to bring their own Magnifying Glass in the Examination Hall and shall not be provided with a Scribe.

“One eyed” candidates and those whose degree of visual disability is less than forty (40%) percent shall not be provided a SCRIBE. Such candidate will not be treated as Visually Handicapped candidate for the purpose of availing benefit of relaxation.

SELECTION OF CANDIDATES:-The Commission have the discretion to fix different qualifying standards in different papers. The names of the candidates who are considered by the Staff Selection Commission to be suitable for appointment on the result of the examination shall be arranged in a single list in order of merit separately for each Cadre/Service.

Note: Selection to the Lower Division Grade of the service on the results of the examination shall be made to the extent of the available vacancies in order of merit subject to the reservation for candidates of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Ex-Servicemen and physically handicapped persons, in accordance with the orders issued from time to time by the Central Government in the Department of Personnel and Training.

CRITERIA FOR ALLOCATION: The allocation will be made servicewise, as per the vacancies. The final merit position will be determined by adding marks of Paper-I and Paper-II.

In cases where more than one candidate secure the equal aggregates marks, tie will be resolved by applying the following methods one after another:-
(i) Total marks in written examination
(ii) Marks in Paper-II
(iii) Marks in Paper-I
(iv) Date of birth with older candidates placed higher.
(v) Alphabetical order in the first names of the candidates appear.

TYPEWRITING TEST:- (i) Appointment, on the basis of result of this examination shall be subject to the condition that unless a candidate has already passed one of the periodical typewriting tests in English or Hindi held by Staff Selection Commission , the candidate will have to pass the Type Test at minimum typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer [35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 key depressions per hour/9000 key depression per hour on an average of 05 key depression for each word] to be held by the Commission within a period of one year from the date of appointment failing which, no annual increment (s) will be allowed to him/her until he/she has passed/cleared the Typing Test prescribed by the Commission.
(ii) The candidates who do not pass the said type-writing test within the period of probation shall be liable to be reverted to their substantive appointment or temporary posts held by them before their appointment to lower Division Grade.
(iii) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses(i) and (ii ) above , a candidate, who has been declared by the competent medical authority , i.e., the Civil Surgeon , to be permanently unfit to pass the type-writing test because of a physical disability , may be exempted from the requirement of passing the typewriting test and, in the event of his being so exempted, the provisions of clauses(i) and (ii) shall cease to be applicable to him from the date of such exemption.

The Visually Handicapped candidates with visual disability of forty (40%) percent and above and cerebral palsy suffering candidates will be given 30 minutes time to type. The Commission will engage PASSAGE DICTATORS FOR EACH OF SUCH Visually Handicapped candidates who will read out the given text material to the candidate during the Type Test.

SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION:- (i) Application in prescribed format as given in Annexure-I of the Notice or on Plain Paper (fullscape size) duly typed on one side and in double space, in the format and manner as given in the application form (Annexure-I) of the instant Notice and
duly signed in candidate’s own handwriting in running script and NOT IN BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS, giving the necessary information together with candidate’s two recent good quality and identical photographs (4 cm. X 5 cm.) out of which one should be pasted on the application form and the other attached with the application, must reach the Regional Director (NR), Staff Selection Commission, Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110504, latest by 12.02.2016 (5.00 PM) and by 18.02.2016 (5.00 PM) in the case of candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub- Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island, Lakashadweep and for candidates residing abroad. The forwarding authority should put his/her signatures and Office Seal on photograph of the candidate pasted on the application form so that half portion of Seal appears on application form & half thereof on the photograph without defacing the candidate’s photograph.
(ii) Application received after the Closing Date or not accompanied by photograph in the manner prescribed in Para-11 (i) above shall be rejected summarily. A candidate must submit his/her application through the Head of his/her Department or Office concerned who will complete the endorsement at the end of the application form and forward it to the Commission. It will be the responsibility of the Department or Office concerned to ensure eligibility of the candidates as laid down in Para-3. Applications received by the Commission after the closing date will be rejected forthwith without any correspondence with the candidate and no subsequent request for re-consideration will be entertained by the Commission under any circumstances.
14. The candidates who apply in response to this advertisement are assigned Roll Numbers. The candidate must write his/her Roll Numbers alongwith his/her name, date of birth and name of the examination, while addressing any communication to the Commission. Communications from candidates not furnishing these particulars will not be entertained. If the Admission Card is not received by any candidate before one week from the date of examination, they must immediately contact Regional Director (NR), Staff Selection Commission, Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110504 with documentary proof of applying for the examination. While appearing in the examination, candidates are required to put their signatures on the Admission certificate in the same manner as signed by them on the application form. Candidates are not entitled to receive any Travelling Allowance from the Staff Selection Commission for taking the examination. Any change in address must immediately be communicated to the Commission’s Office, giving details of Roll Number, Name and New Address in Block Capital letters.

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