Monday, 18 January 2016

DRDO Recruitment 2016 for Technical Assistant, Technician Posts and Admin & Allied Posts

Applications are invited to fill the following 1142 vacancies in the laboratories/establishments of DRDO.

1. Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’
Number of  Vacancies: 564
Qualification: B.Sc./ 3 years Diploma in specified subjects/ disciplines
Only Online applications will be accepted.

2. Technician ‘A’:
Number of  Vacancies: 345 Vacancies
Qualification:  10th class pass with ITI in specified trades. Only
Only Online applications will be accepted.

Technical Staff
The selection of candidates for direct recruitment for Technicians and Senior Technical Assistants in DRDO is through Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM), Metcalfe House Complex, Delhi - 110054. All the laboratories/establishments under DRDO report the vacancies, together with the relevant details, including the reservation break-up, to CEPTAM.

CEPTAM is responsible for doing all the connected work such as obtaining clearance from concerned Division for Retraining and Re-Deployment of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, the advertisement in Employment News, national and regional newspapers, contacting local employment exchanges wherever required, receipt and scrutiny of applications, preparations of database of applications, screening as well as short listing, preparation of question papers for written test (wherever required), constitution of selection committees, conduct of written test, trade test/skill test and interviews, preparation of the list of selected candidates, etc. The aforesaid activities is carried by CEPTAM following the rules, regulations, guidelines and other instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time regulating the subject matter.

CEPTAM has evolved its own system and procedure so as to ensure transparency, accountability and fairness at every stage of the process of selection of candidates. The final select list of the candidates is recommended by CEPTAM to the respective appointing authorities in the laboratories/establishments, who issue the offer of appointment to the selected candidates after completing all the requisite pre-appointment formalities including verification of the certificates/documents etc. CEPTAM also informs the candidates about their provisional selection.

An application fee of Rs. 50/- in the form of IPO/Stamps is charged from applicants for all the post of Group 'C' category except from those who have been exempted for the purpose by Govt. of India.

3. Admin & Allied: 233
Number of   Vacancies:233

For Junior Translator, Stenographer Grade-II, StoreAsstt. 'A', Admin Asstt. ‘A’: Only online applications are accepted.

For Vehicle Operator 'A', Asstt. Halwai-cumCook: Online or offline applications are accepted.

Admin & Allied

The selection of candidates for direct recruitment for Admin & Allied Cadre in DRDO is through Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM), Metcalfe House Complex, Delhi - 110054. All the laboratories/establishments under DRDO report the vacancies, together with the relevant details, including the reservation break-up, to CEPTAM.

CEPTAM is responsible for doing all the connected work such as obtaining clearance from concerned Division for Retraining and Re-Deployment of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, advertisement in the Employment News, national and regional newspapers, contacting local employment exchanges wherever required, receipt and scrutiny of applications, preparations of database of applications, screening as well as short listing, preparation of question papers for written test (wherever required), constitution of selection committees, conduct of written test, trade test/skill test and interviews, preparation of the list of selected candidates, etc. The aforesaid activities is carried by CEPTAM following the rules, regulations, guidelines and other instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time regulating the subject matter.

CEPTAM has evolved its own system and procedure so as to ensure transparency, accountability and fairness at every stage of the process of selection of candidates. The final select list of the candidates is recommended by CEPTAM to the respective appointing authorities in the laboratories/establishments, who issue the offer of appointment to the selected candidates after completing all the requisite pre-appointment formalities including verification of the certificates/documents etc. CEPTAM also informs the candidates about their provisional selection.

An application fee of Rs. 50/- in the form of IPO/Stamps is charged from applicants for all the post of Group 'C' category except from those who have been exempted for the purpose by Govt. of India.

Application has to be submitted in a specified format. Applicants are advised to read the full advertisement (includes format, instructions etc.) being published in Employment News dated 16 Jan-23 Jan 2016. The full advertisement will also be available on our website Closing date is February 08, 2016. From specified remote areas, the Offline application received by post will be accepted up to February 15, 2016.The Date of Exam will be published on our website later.

Incomplete/Erroneously/Illegible filled up applications are liable to be rejected. Apply early, and ensure your candidature for the written examination. Keep visiting our website for future announcements.

About DRDO:
DRDO was formed in 1958 from the amalgamation of the then already functioning Technical Development Establishment (TDEs) of the Indian Army and the Directorate of Technical Development & Production (DTDP) with the Defence Science Organisation (DSO). DRDO was then a small organisation with 10 establishments or laboratories. Over the years, it has grown multi-directionally in terms of the variety of subject disciplines, number of laboratories, achievements and stature.

Today, DRDO is a network of more than 50 laboratories which are deeply engaged in developing defence technologies covering various disciplines, like aeronautics, armaments, electronics, combat vehicles, engineering systems, instrumentation, missiles, advanced computing and simulation, special materials, naval systems, life sciences, training, information systems and agriculture. Presently, the Organisation is backed by over 5000 scientists and about 25,000 other scientific, technical and supporting personnel. Several major projects for the development of missiles, armaments, light combat aircrafts, radars, electronic warfare systems etc are on hand and significant achievements have already been made in several such technologies.

Closing date for Applications:February 08, 2016 

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