Tuesday, 19 January 2016

UPSC Recruitment 2016 for Architects and Assistant Directors (Cost)

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) invites Online Recruitment Applications for recruitment by Selection to the following posts

1. (Vacancy No. 16015101716) 24 Assistant Directors (Cost) in the Office of Chief Adviser Cost, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance (SC-04, ST- 01, OBC-07 & UR-12) The posts are suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with Both Legs Affected but not Arms (BL) or One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA) OR Hearing Impairment {Deaf (D) or Partially Deaf (PD)}.The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: Rs. 15,600- 39,100 (PB-3) + Rs. 5,400
(Grade Pay) (T.E. Rs.43,470/- Approx.) + TA and HRA as admissible. Indian Cost Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. Age*: 35 yrs. QUALIFICATIONS : ESSENTIAL:

EDUCATIONAL: Qualifications recognized for enrolment in the Register of Members of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India. DESIRABLE: i) Degree of a recognized University. ii) Three years’ experience in Cost Accounting work. DUTIES: Cost Analysis/ Cost Examination. HQ : New Delhi with liability to serve anywhere India.

2. (Vacancy No. 16015102716) One Assistant Architect, Ministry/Department of Health & Family Welfare (UR-01). The post is suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) OR Hearing Impairment { Partially Deaf (PD)} The post is permanent. Pay Scale: Rs.9,300-34,800 (PB-2) + Rs. 4,600 (Grade Pay) (T.E. Rs. 30,441/- Approx.) + TA and HRA as admissible. General Central Service, Group B, ‘Gazetted’. Age*: 30 yrs. QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL:

EDUCATIONAL: (i) Degree in Architecture of a recognized University or equivalent (ii) Should be registered with Council of Architecture. DESIRABLE: Experience in the profession DUTIES: To prepare design and drawings of Medical and Public health building complexes for various Central Health Organisations, to instruct Design Assistants for the preparation of working and detailed drawings of the projects and to supervise the construction. HQ: New Delhi .

3. (Vacancy No. 16015103716) 13 Deputy Architects in CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development (SC-03, ST-01, OBC-03 & UR-06). Of the thirteen posts, one post is reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) OR Hearing Impairment {Partially Deaf (PD)}. The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs. 5,400 (Grade Pay) (T.E. Rs. 45,990/- Approx.) + TA and HRA as admissible. Central Architects Service, Group ‘A’. Age*: 35 yrs.

QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: EDUCATIONAL: (i) Possess Degree in Architecture of recognized University or Institution. (ii) Be registered as Architect with the Council of Architecture under the Architect Act 1972 ( 20 of1972 ). DUTIES: To independently deal with projects, costing upto Rs 50/- lakhs from pre-planning stage to issue of ‘Completion Certificate; to supervise & guide the Asstt. (AD) Architectural Assistant; to prepare preliminary drawings; to finalize the drawings, documents required for municipal approval; and to assist the Officers in obtaining approval of plans from local bodies. HQ: New Delhi but liable to serve anywhere in India

4. (Vacancy No. 16015104716) 22 Assistant Architects in CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development (SC-03, ST-01, OBC-06 & UR-12). Of the twenty-two posts, two posts are for reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disabilities. Of the two posts reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disabilities, one post is reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) and remaining one post is reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Hearing Impairment {Partially Deaf (PD)}. The posts are suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) OR Hearing Impairment {Partially Deaf (PD)}. The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: Rs.9,300-34,800 (PB-2) + Rs. 4,800 (Grade Pay) (T.E. Rs. 30,879/- Approx.) + TA and HRA as admissible. General Central Service, Group B, ‘Gazetted’, Non- Ministerial. Age*: 30 yrs. QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: EDUCATIONAL: Degree in Architecture from a recognized University or Institution and registered with Council of Architecture as Architect. DUTIES: To assist the Senior Officers in preparation of design data collection, preparing documents for obtaining approval of plans from all concerned etc. To prepare Preliminary, working & detailed drawings and layout plans, municipal drawings and their presentations as required. To supervise and guide juniors and check their drawings and specifications. Responsible for management and efficient functioning of the staff attached to them. HQ: Directorate General, Central Public Works Department, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

a) Candidates are requested to apply only Online against this advertisement on the Online Recruitment Application (ORA) website http://www.upsconline.nic.in and NOT write to the Commission for Application forms. They are also requested to go through carefully the details of posts and instructions published below as well as on the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in.
b) * In respect of cases belonging to Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi, OBCs included in the Central list and list Notified by Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi are eligible. *The age limit shown against all items is the normal age limit and the age is relaxable for SC/ST candidates upto 5 years and upto 3 years for OBC candidates in respect of vacancies reserved for them. SC/ST/OBC Candidates have to produce a caste certificate in prescribed proforma. For age concession applicable to other categories of applicants please see relevant paras of the "Instructions and Additional Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection"
c) A candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of community reservation only in case the particular caste to which the candidates belong is included in the list of reserved communities issued by the Central Government. If a candidate indicates in his/her application form that he/she belongs to SC/ST/OBC/General category but subsequently writes to the Commission to change his/her category, such request shall not be entertained by the Commission.
d) Physically Handicapped (PH) Persons or Persons with disabilities, as indicated against various item(s) in the VACANCY DETAILS, can apply to the respective posts even if the post is not reserved for them but has been identified as Suitable. However, such candidates will be considered for selection to such post by general standard of merit. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation and other relaxations as permissible under the rules. Thus, Physically Handicapped (PH) persons can avail benefit of :
i) Reservation and other Concessions & Relaxations as permissible under the rules only when degree of physical disability is 40% or more and the posts are reserved for PH candidates.
ii) Other Concessions & Relaxations as permissible under the rules only when degree of physical disability is 40% or more and the posts are suitable for PH candidates.
e) HEADQUARTERS: At places specifically stated against certain posts, otherwise anywhere in India.
f) PROBATION: The persons selected will be appointed on probation as per rule.
g) A Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) to short-list the candidates for Interview for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Directors (Cost) (Item No. 1 above) and another Combined CBRT to short-list the candidates for Interview for recruitment to the posts of Deputy Architects and Assistant Architects (Item Nos. 2 to 4 above respectively) shall be conducted by the Commission. A. Scheme and syllabus for the CBRT for the posts of Assistant Director (Cost) is as under:-
I. Scheme of the CBRT:
(i) The test will be of two hours duration and will carry a maximum of 100 marks and the medium of the question paper will be English only.
(ii) The test will be objective type questions with multiple choice answers.
(iii) There will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of one-third of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.
II. Syllabus of the Combined CBRT:
It comprises of the following areas:-
1. Cost Audit under Companies Act
2. Cost Accounting Records Rules under Companies Act
3. Costs, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
4. Pricing Decision
5. Budgetary Control
6. Financial Statement Analysis
7. Costing Methods
8. Marginal Costing
9. Standard Costing
10. Material Management
11. Decision Making
12. Capital Budgeting
13. Enterprise Resource Planning
14. Project Management Techniques
15. Cost Accounting Standard
16. Emerging concepts in Cost and Management Accounting
III. Weightage:
Written Test and Interview may carry a 50:50 Weightage for those candidates shortlisted out of the Written Test and those who qualify in the interview.
B. Scheme and syllabus for the Combined CBRT for the posts of Deputy
Architect and Assistant Architect is as under :-
I. Scheme of the Combine CBRT:
a) The test will be of two hours duration and will carry a maximum of 300 marks.
b) The test will be objective type questions with multiple choices of answer.
c) The medium of the Test will be English only.
d) There will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of one-third of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.
II. Syllabus of the Combined CBRT:
It comprises of the following broad areas:
1. Architectural Design
2. Basic Design & Visual Arts
3. Computer Applications in Architecture
4. Climatology
5. Theory of Architecture
6. Acoustics
7. Contemporary Architecture
8. Estimating & Costing
9. Physical Planning
10. Professional Practice
11. Interior Design
12. Landscape Architecture
13. Earthquake Resistant Structure
14. Urban Design
15. Construction Management
16. Ecology & Environment
17. Housing
18. Conservation
19. Building Automation Systems
20. National Building Codes
III. Weightage:
CBRT and the Interview may carry a 75: 25 weight-age for those candidates short-listed out of the Written Test and those who qualify in the interview.
h) The dates of both the above CBRTs will be intimated to the candidates through Commission’s Website.
i) Shortlisted Candidates would be asked to submit the documents in support of their claim for the posts. Their documents will be scrutinized and those Candidates who fulfil all the eligibility conditions of the posts shall be called for interview.
ii) The Candidates are directed to undertake the CBRT at their own risk i.e. after verifying that they fulfil the qualifications as prescribed in the Advertisement, and their admission to the Test is purely ‘provisional’.
iii) In regard to the post(s) identified as suitable or reserved for P.H. category/categories in this advertisement, it is made clear that Candidates must undertake the CBRT at their own and they would not be allowed to take the help of a Scribe to click the answers for them under no circumstances. However, the candidates of certain categories with disabilities like candidates with Locomotor disability and Cerebral palsy (LDCP) where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment) shall be allowed compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour in the CBRTs and facility of Scribe, wherever opted for in their Online Recruitment Application.
iv) Before availing facility of Scribe(wherever opted for) and/or compensatory time, all such eligible LDCP candidates are required to furnish UNDERTAKING in the prescribed format that they have read/been read out the instructions of the Union Public Service Commission regarding the eligibility conditions of a Scribe, his/her conduct inside the Test Hall and the manner in which and extent to which he/she can help the candidate in writing the Test. Violation of all or any of the said instructions shall entail the cancellation of the candidature of the candidate in addition to any other action that the UPSC may take against the Scribe and candidate(s) hereby undertake to abide by them. Further, they will furnish a medical certificate to that effect that “I am suffering from the disability viz. Locomotor Disability and Cerebral Palsy where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment)” issued by the competent Medical Authority/Board constituted by the Central/State Governments to UPSC, within the prescribed time limit fixed/conveyed by the Commission, in case shortlisted in the Recruitment Test. Candidate(s) given to understand that in case they fail to comply with the above requirement, it will be presumed that he/she is not suffering from above disability and his/her candidature will be cancelled by the Commission, without any further reference being made to them.

Further  Details: Click Here

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