Saturday, 30 January 2016

South Central Railway Recruitment 2016 - Women Constables Recruitment in RPF/RPSF

Applications are invited from eligible Women Candidates for filling up the posts of Constable in Railway Protection Force / Railway Protection Special Force.
i. Application from candidates will be accepted through ONLINE MODE only except for the State of J&K, North-Eastern States, Border Guarding Districts (remote areas) and Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected districts of the country where the candidates will have the choice to apply in Online or Offline mode. Candidature of candidates applying through both the modes is liable for rejection summarily.
ii. The lists containing names of border guarding districts (remote areas) and Naxal / Militancy affected districts provided by MHA are available at Annexure – “E” & “F”.
iii. An OMR sheet based written examination will be conducted for all those candidates who are found eligible after scrutiny.

No. of Vacancies: 2030

Railway Protection force: 1827 posts
UR: 804 posts
SC: 264 posts
ST: 145 posts
OBC: 614 posts

Railway Protection Special Force: 203 posts

UR: 95posts
SC: 23 posts
ST: 33 posts
OBC: 52 Posts

Out of 1827 (RPF posts), 904 posts meant for 08 Mahila companies located in 09 Railways (i.e. one company each for CR, WR, ER, SER, NR, SR, SCR and half company each for NWR and SWR), rest of the posts are meant for all Indian Railways of Railway Protection Force. Each candidate may send only one application whether through ONLINE or OFFLINE (OFFLINE option available only for the regions mentioned in Annexure-“E” & “F”) in which she must clearly exercise the option for recruitment either to RPF/RPSF.
a. 10% of vacancies are reserved for Ex-service women and it does not include retired/ discharged personnel of Central Armed Police Forces. Age may be relaxed beyond upper limit by 3 years for UR, 6 years for OBC and 8 years for SC/ST after deduction of military service rendered (minimum of 6 months after attestation) from actual age as on the date of reckoning. In case sufficient eligible candidates are not found in Ex- Service women category for appointment, then the unfilled vacancies will be filled up from candidates of respective category on the basis of merit.
b. Vacancies are provisional and may increase or decrease or even become nil depending upon the requirement of the Railway Administration. The administration also reserves
the right to make changes or cancel or postpone the recruitment as well as the notified vacancies at its discretion at any time and such decision will be binding on all concerned.
c. These posts have not been identified as suitable for persons with disabilities and hence the same has been exempted from the purview of section 33 and 47 of the persons
with Disabilities [Equal opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation] act, 1995 by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
d. The selected candidates will be liable to serve anywhere in India in Railway Protection Force or Railway Protection Special Force. Those who apply for RPF may be allotted to any Zonal Railway, on the basis of available vacancies, their merit and their preference.

Pay Band of `.5200-20200 + Grade Pay `.2,000/- plus usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees from time to time.

No person who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or who, having a spouse living has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment in RPF / RPSF.

[a] Citizenship : Must be a citizen of India
[b] Educational Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board /
University. Educational certificate other than State Board/Central Board should be accompanied with Government of India notification declaring that such qualifications is equivalent to Matriculation/10th pass for services under Central Government. Candidates must possess the requisite qualification before the last date of submission of application.
[c] Age: The candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 25 years as on 01.07.2016. The Candidate must be born between 02.07.1991 and 01.07.1998 (both dates inclusive). Date of Birth mentioned in the Matriculation/High School Examination certificate or an equivalent certificate as on the date of submission of application will only be accepted.

Recruitment will be made based on the performance of the eligible applicants in a Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Test, Physical Measurement Test, document verification and awarding of bonus marks on the basis of NCC/sports certificates and Height.

i] Written examination will be conducted for those candidates who are found eligible after scrutiny. The written examination will be on OMR based Answer Sheets which will comprise of 120 multiple choice objective type questions of one mark each. The test will be of 90 minutes duration. The question paper shall be of matriculation standard. The question paper will consist of 50 questions on General Awareness, 35 questions on Arithmetic and 35 questions on General Intelligence and Reasoning. Candidates will be required to answer all questions and will be awarded 01 [one] mark for each correct answer. 1/3 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. No mark will be awarded or deducted for questions not attempted.
ii] For the convenience to conduct the examination in different Indian languages, specific centres will be earmarked for the examination in specific languages other than Hindi, English and Urdu (in which examination papers will be available at all centres).

[a] Option will be asked from candidates regarding their preferred group. Once the candidate has selected a particular group, she has to give option of one of the
languages available in that group. If the option of language given by her is not available in the option of group given by her, her group will be changed according to
the language option given by her.
[b] Question paper will be set in Hindi, English, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Konkani, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, Manipuri and Punjabi. Applicants who wish to write the exam in a particular language may indicate so in the ONLINE / OFFLINE application form. Language, once chosen cannot be changed under any circumstances.
[c] Keeping in mind the provision for negative marking in the written examination, it will be necessary to obtain 35% marks (30% marks by SC and ST candidates) to qualify in the written test.
iii] The e-admit cards for written test will be downloaded by the candidates who applied through online mode in the manner as shown in Para- 16. In regard to the candidates who applied through offline mode, call letters will be sent to them by post in the self addressed stamped envelops submitted by the candidates along with the application form.


[a] Only those candidates who qualify in the written examination will be called for PET and PMT to the extent of 10 times the number of vacancies in each category. The e-admit cards for PET & PMT will be downloaded by the candidates who applied through online mode in the manner as shown in Para- 16. In regard to the candidates who applied through offline mode, call letters will be sent to them by post in the self addressed stamped envelops submitted by the candidates along with the application form. The candidates shall be allowed to appear in the PET/PMT on production of original call letters only.
[b] The PET will consist of three events mentioned in the table below. A candidate has to qualify in all the events to be declared qualified in PET. All the events are compulsory to qualify. However, no marks will be awarded for any of the events.
[c] 800 meters run will be held first and only those candidates who qualify in this event will further take part in the remaining events of the PET. The candidates who qualify in PET will be measured for eligibility with respect to height. Candidates, who fail in any of the events of the PET or in PMT, will be declared “failed”.


[a](i) Candidates who qualify in the PET and PMT will be called for Document verification. The candidates not exceeding 1.5 times the number of notified vacancies in that category will be called for Document Verification. The e-admit cards for Document verification will be downloaded by the candidates who applied through online mode in the manner as shown below in Para-16. In regard to the candidates applied through offline mode, call letters will be sent to them by post and the candidates shall be allowed to appear in the document verification on production of original call letter only.
(ii)The candidates must produce all original documents in support of their educational qualification, age, SC/ST/OBC status wherever applicable [on the format prescribed in the advertisement], domicile certificate and any other document related to extra curricular activities [including NCC] at the time of Document Verification. Request for production of the original documents on a later day will not be entertained under any circumstances except in cases where the caste certificate has been produced in a format other than prescribed or where any certificate is claimed to have been lost/stolen (claim supported by FIR), in which case the candidate will be allowed a time extension of four (4) weeks. Failure to produce the documents shall lead to disqualification of the candidate. The appearance of the candidate for document verification will be compulsory. Those who do not appear at the document verification will not be considered in the final selection, irrespective of their performance in the written examination and PET.


The candidates who appear in Document Verification will be sent for a medical examination at the Railway Hospitals. They have to qualify in medical category 'B-1' as prescribed in Indian Railway Medical Manual. Those wearing glasses or having flat foot, knock-knee, squint eyes, colour blindness and other bodily defects are not eligible for appointment. Sending for Medical Examination will not guarantee employment and does not reflect that the candidate has been included in the select list.


The candidates will have to undergo an initial training in any one of the RPF/RPSF training centre or any other such institution as decided by the Railway Administration in the event of their selection. The trainee recruits will be given a stipend of ` 5,200/-n+ Grade Pay ` 2,000/- plus other allowances as admissible under the Railway Rules during the period of Training. Passing the Final Examination at the end of the training is compulsory.

Examination Fee: No examination fee is required.

I) Procedure for online submission of applications:
[a] Candidates can apply only through ONLINE application mode by visiting either of the two websites or
Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the instructions available on the website and in this notification. The onus is on the candidate to prove that all the information provided submitted by her in the application is true.
[b] Candidates are required to go to the link provided for filling ONLINE application and fill up the personal details / BIO-DATA etc. carefully.
[c] Options once exercised in the ONLINE application shall be final and no request for change shall be entertained. Therefore, candidates are advised to be careful in exercise of option for applied post.
[d] Candidates should ensure that their Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth should exactly match as recorded in Matriculation or equivalent certificate. Any deviation found during Document Verification will lead to cancellation of candidature and also to debarment. In case any candidate has formally changed her name, then gazette notification or any other legal document, as applicable should be submitted at the time of Document Verification. Such candidates should indicate their changed name. However other details should match with the matriculation certificate.
[e] Candidates are advised to indicate their active mobile number and valid e-mail ID in the ONLINE application and keep them active during the entire recruitment process as important messages will be sent by email and on mobile which will be deemed to have been read by the candidates.
[f] Candidates are required follow the steps mentioned in Para 11 for filling up the online application and uploading of the documents.

(I) Photographs: - The colour photograph of size 4.5 cms x 3.5 cms (not earlier than three months from the date of application), with clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses, should be pasted on the “Template” in the space provided. Photostat copy of photograph is not permitted. Candidates may note that Recruitment Committee may, at any stage, reject the application for pasting old / unclear photograph on the application or for any significant variations between photograph pasted in the Application Form and the actual physical appearance of the candidate. Candidates are advised to keep two additional copies of the same photograph ready with them for bringing along with Hall Ticket / e-admit Card and valid photo ID at the time of written examination/PET & PMT/Document Verification.
(II) Applications which are illegible, Mandatory columns not filled, incomplete, unsigned, signed in capital letters, without photo of candidate are liable to be rejected.
(III) In case the application is rejected, candidates will be able to view their status ONLINE on either of the two websites or along with the reasons for rejection(s). Candidate whose application / candidature is rejected will NOT be intimated by post.
(IV) To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised in their own interest to submit ONLINE application much before the closing date since there may be a possibility of inability / failure to log on to either of the two websites or on account of heavy load on the internet or website jam during last days of closing time.
(V) Recruitment Committee does not accept any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their application within the last day on account of aforesaidreason or any other reasons.
(VI) The date and time of closing of the window for submission of applications online shall be 01.03.2016 at 17.30 hrs. The candidates will not be able to apply online after this date and time.


All SC/ST candidates who applied through online mode should upload their caste certificate (As per Annexure-‘B’) issued by the competent authority. For SC/ST candidates who applied through offline mode, copy of self attested SC/ST community certificate in the prescribed format given at Annexure ‘B’ should be enclosed along with application form. A free travel authority will be sent to them by post. At the time of obtaining reservation to avail facility of free travel, the Reservation Clerk and or Ticket Checking Staff will ask for the original SC/ST certificate for verification of genuineness of the candidate. Railway will not be held liable if the travel authority does not reach the concerned candidate in time due to postal or other delays.

NOTE :- No print out / hard copy of application complete in all respect and / or any certificate SC/ST certificate needs to be sent by post by the candidates who applied through online mode.


[a] Visit either of the two websites or
[b] Click on the “ONLINE / E-Application” Link.
[c] Click on the “New Registration” Link.
[d] Fill in the basic details viz. Name, Father’s / Husband’s Name, Mother’s name, Date of Birth, e-mail Address and Mobile number etc. Full name of Mother should be filled up. Name of candidate and father’s name as shown in the matriculation certificate shouldbe filled up.
[e] Fill up other details such as educational qualification, whether Ex-Service women, seeking age relaxation, present and permanent postal address along with district,
state, pin code, group option, language option, whether belonging to regions like Garhwal, Komaon, etc. for seeking relaxation in height, nearest railway station etc.
[f] Follow the instructions and complete the registration process step-by-step for getting a Registration Number & Password.
[g] Download the blank “Template” by clicking on the link “Download Template”. This “Template” has the space for affixing left and right thumb impressions and the declaration.
[h] Login with Registration Number and Password.
[i] Upload your colour photograph (of size 4.5 cms x 3.5 cms), JPG format, 100 dpi, size of JPG file shall be maximum 50 kb.
[j] Upload your scanned signature, JPG format, 100 dpi, size of JPG file maximum 30kb.
[k] Copy the declaration given in your own running handwriting (not in capital/spaced out letters), with blue or black ball point pen (not in pencil, fountain pen or gel pen), to the extent possible, in the spaces provided on the downloaded link “Template”. Affix left and right hand thumb impressions by using fingerprint ink (not ink of ink pad). The thumb impressions shall be clear and without smudging.
[l] Scan the duly filled “Template” in colour .JPG format, 100 DPI.
[m] Upload the scanned file “Template”.
[n] Candidates belonging to SC/ST shall have to upload scanned copy of their SC/ST
certificates also. Scan the certificate in the .JPG format. Size of the file should be between 50 kb and 100 kb.
[o] OBC candidates shall upload the OBC self-declaration. Scan the declaration in the .JPG format. Size of the file should be between 50 kb and 100 kb.
[p] All the candidates shall upload the scanned copy of Matriculation Certificate. Scan the certificate in the .JPG format. Size of the file should be between 50 kb and 100 kb.
[q] Submit the application. Take a print out of the acknowledgement for records.


Candidates are requested to read all instructions thoroughly before submitting ONLINE application. Otherwise their applications are likely to be rejected on one or more of the reasons mentioned in the succeeding paragraph. In case the application is rejected, candidates will be able to view their status ONLINE on either of the two websites or along with the reasons for rejection(s). Candidates will not be intimated by post regarding the reason(s) of rejection.
13. Instruction for filling up the applications by candidates applying offline from J&K, North Eastern States, Naxal / Militancy affected districts and Border Districts (Remote Areas).
a) The format of the application form is given in Annexure-A. Application form can be downloaded from the official website of Indian Railways ( or taken from the employment news or from this advertisement and submitted on A-4 size bond paper, using one side only and sent to the IG-Chief Security Commissioner, South Central Railway, Post Box No- 10, Post office Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad-500071.
b) The words, “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF WOMAN CONSTABLE IN RPF INCLUDING RPSF” shall be super scribed on the envelope containing the application.
c) The exact date, time, place and venue for the tests will be intimated to the candidates through Call Letters.
d) Applications should be sent through ordinary post only. No application will be
received by hand or by registered post or through private courier service.
e) Applications should be filled by the candidates in their own handwriting, in Hindi or English only. Left and Right Hand thumb impressions shall be affixed in the boxes given at the bottom of the application. Applications signed in capital letters/spaced –out letters will be treated as invalid. Applications with correction or overwriting or smudged thumb impression may be rejected.
f) The colour photograph of size 4.5 cms x 3.5 cms (not earlier than three months from the date of application) with clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses shall be pasted at appropriate location. Two passport size photographs should be enclosed with the application form.
g) Applications must be accompanied by:
i) Copy of self attested Matriculation certificate as proof of Educational Qualification and Age.
ii) Copy of self attested SC/ST Community Certificate in the prescribed format given at Annexure ‘B’ wherever applicable.
iii) Declaration by applicants belonging to OBC in the format given in Annexure ‘C’.
iv) Two additional coloured photograph (4.5 cms x 3.5 cms) with clear front view of the face without cap and sunglasses mentioning the name of the candidate on the reverse side in addition to the one pasted on the application.
v) Two self addressed envelopes (28 cms x 12 cms) each bearing postal stamp of Rs.5/- duly affixed.

i) Offline Applications, which are not submitted in the format given in Annexure ‘A’.
ii) Coloured photograph as prescribed not uploaded/not pasted on the application.
iii) Incompletely signed or illegibly signed application. Signature not uploaded / signature uploaded in capital or spaced out letters. Incomplete or illegible Offline application or offline applications signed with capital/spaced out letters.
iv) Offline Application filled in a language other than English or Hindi.
v) Under-age or Over-age.
vi) Declaration passage not written/uploaded or written/uploaded in a language other than English or Hindi or written in capital letters / spaced out letters or not written in candidate’s own handwriting.
vii) Copy of SC/ST certificate in the prescribed format not uploaded/enclosed by applicants belonging to the respective categories.
viii) Self-declaration by applicants belonging to OBC in the format given in Annexure ‘C’ not uploaded/enclosed.
ix) Left & Right thumb impressions not uploaded/submitted or uploaded/submitted thumb impressions are blurred / smudged or only left or right thumb impressionnuploaded/submitted.
x) Application without photo (or) photo with cap, wearing Goggles, disfigured, small size or unrecognizable or black and white photograph or old photograph.
xi) Not possessing the prescribed qualification for the post(s) on the date of submission of application.
xii) Date of Birth not filled or wrongly filled.
xiii) Submission of more than one off line application or one or more off line application along with one or more online application.
xiv) Matriculation certificate awarded by a board not recognized by Central Government.
xv) Any wrong information entered in Application form.
xvi) Non compliance of any other instruction/requirement.
xvii) Any other irregularities which will render the application invalid in the opinion of the Recruitment Committee
xviii) Offline applications received after the last date for receipt of application.
xix) Non enclosure of self addressed and stamped envelopes in case of Offline applications.
xx) Non enclosure of additional two photographs in case of Offline Applications.
xxi) For Ex-Service women, date of discharge should not exceed the last date of submission of application.


[a] Candidates called for Written Examination / PET / Document Verification shall make their own arrangements for boarding, lodging and transport.
[b] The applicants called for the PET will take part in the events at their own risk. Railways will not be liable to compensate the candidates in any way, in case they suffer any mis-happening/injury while undertaking the PET. They should bring with them sports gears such as sports shoes, shorts, vest etc. Nothing will be provided by the Railways.
[c] Candidates must bring writing materials such as pen, pencils, etc. for the written test.
[d] Mobile phones, pagers, calculators or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail suitable action including ban from future examinations.
[e] Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones / pagers to the venue of the examination, as arrangement for safe-keeping cannot be assured.
[f] Impersonation, if any, detected at any stage of the recruitment, may result in initiating criminal cases against the applicant and the impersonator as well as canceling the candidature of the applicant.
[g] Candidates found to be having adverse report on their character and antecedents will not be appointed in RPF / RPSF. False declaration / production of false certificate is an offence under the law and will lead to disqualification of the applicant, institution of criminal case and also dismissal from service, if appointed. Hence, candidates are advised to be careful while filling in the application.
[h] The decision of Recruitment Committee on all matters relating to eligibility, place, venue, fitness of ground for conducting PET, date, mode of selection, acceptance or rejection of the application will be final and binding on the applicants.
[i] If a candidate has any grievance regarding physical measurement she may, within three days from the day of PET/PMT, approach the Grievance Redressal Cell in the office of the Zonal Chief Security Commissioner concerned whose decision shall be final.
[k] The Railway Administration reserves the right to call an applicant to any place for the Written Examination / PET / Document Verification / Medical Examination.
[l] Canvassing in any form at any stage will lead to a disqualification.
[m] Last date of receipt of off line application shall be 01.03.2016. Any application received after 01.03.2016 will be treated as time barred and summarily rejected. However, for candidates living in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, the last date of receipt of application shall be 07.03.2016.

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