Wednesday, 20 January 2016

SSB Odisa Recruitment of Lecturers 2016

Online applications are invited from the prospective candidates for recruitment of 1625 (One thousand six hundred twenty five) posts of Lecturer (DP Posts) in the STATE PAY SCALE of Rs.9,300/- to Rs.34,800/- carrying a Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/-(PB-II) as per ORSP Rule, 2008 for the Non–Government Aided Colleges of the state in different subjects. The posts are temporary but likely to be made permanent. Candidates are required to apply online through website at the link available on this site. No other means / mode of submission of applications will be accepted. The schedule of ONLINE APPLICATION is as follows:-

Opening Date for On-Line Applications.: 15/01/2016
Last/Closing date & Time for On-Line Applications.: 15/02/2016 till 23.59pm

Note :
(i) For more details, please refer to instructions under “HOW TO APPLY” in this advertisement while filling up on-line application form and also the detailed instructions given in the main instructions page of the on-line application.
(ii) Candidates in their own interest are advised, not to wait till the last date & time and submit their application well within the time. SSB shall not be held responsible, if the candidates are not able to submit their application due to last minute rush.

VACANCY POSITION: The vacancy position in different subjects with reservations for different categories is as per the following table:

(a) The candidates belonging to PwD/Ex-Servicemen/Sports Person when selected as per reservation provided for them (i.e.3%, 1% & 1% respectively) shall be adjusted against the categories to which they belong. However, the details of the subjects to be filled up by the PwDs, with their category and the sub-category of disabilities are given below, to enable the candidates to apply for the same.

NB: B-Blindness, LV-Low Vision, LD-Locomotor Disability, OA-One Arm Affected, OL-One Leg Affected, BL-Both Leg Affected, MNR-Mobility Not Restricted, HI-Hearing Impaired.
(b) Exchange of reservation between Scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribe will not be considered.
(c) In each category 33% of posts will remain reserved for women candidates. In case of non-availability of eligible/ suitable women candidate(s) belonging to the respective category, the unfilled vacancies of that category shall be filled up by eligible/ suitable male candidate(s) of the same category.

The candidates of general category should not be less than 21 years or more than 42 years of age as on 1st October, 2015.

The upper age limit prescribed above is relaxable by 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Caste (S.C.), Scheduled Tribe (S.T.), Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (S.E.B.C.), Women, Ex-Servicemen. Similarly, the upper age limit is relaxable by 10 (ten) years for the PwD candidates, whose disability is not less than 40%.

One time special upper age limit relaxation of FIVE years is allowed to all in service lecturers of private, aided and non-aided colleges i.e., the upper age limit of such candidates shall be 47 years as on 1st October 2015.

A candidate should possess a Master’s Degree in the concerned subject from a recognized University with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade with a Second Class in the Bachelor’s Degree.

Provided that candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes & PwDs shall posses a Master’s Degree in the concerned subject from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent grade with a 2nd Class in the Bachelor’s Degree.

PROCEDURE OF SELECTION: The selection of Lecturers will be based on Written Test, Educational Career and Viva – Voce Test. The distribution of marks for the Career Assessment, for different stages of assessment and the details of written test are as per the following;
(a) Career Assessment: Total Weightage in Marks: 75

(b) The selection shall be made in the following manner;
(a) Career. – 75 Marks
(b) Written – 100 Marks
(c) Viva Voce. – 25 Marks

TOTAL – 200 Marks
(c) There shall be a written Examination only in the concerned subject as per the syllabus given in the website. The Examination in the concerned subject will be of one paper carrying of 100 marks. The questions will be of Objective Type (Multiple Choice) which are to be answered in OMR sheets. Scribe facilities and compensatory time shall be allowed to the PwD candidates as per rule.
(d) The candidates shall be called for interview by the State Selection Board in order of merit on the basis of total marks secured by the candidates both in the Career and in the Written Test. In general, three times of the number of vacancies in any subject shall be called for the Viva – voce. But, if the vacancies are up to 05, fifteen candidates shall be called for the same by the State Selection Board. The State Selection Board reserves the right to fix-up the qualifying marks in any or all the subjects of the Examination and Viva Voce test.

The written examination will be held at Balasore, Berhampur, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Sambalpur depending upon the number of candidates from the respective Zone. In case sufficient numbers of candidates are not available for any of the Zones excluding Bhubaneswar, the candidates opting for those Zones will be accommodated at Bhubaneswar.

APPLICATION FEE : A non-refundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs. 500/-(Rupees Five hundred) only for the candidates coming under the Unreserved category and Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundred) only for the Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled tribes and PwDs are to be deposited at the time of submission of on-line application.

(a) The candidate must be a citizen of India.
(b) The candidate should be able to speak, read and write Odia fluently and must have passed at least an examination in Odia language equivalent to that M.E. School standard conducted by the B.S.E., Odisha
(c) A candidate, who has more than one spouse living, will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons.
(d) Government servants, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply, provided that they must inform their respective head of office in writing regarding submission of their applications for this recruitment and produce “No Objection Certificate” by the date of Viva-Voce.

(e) Each selected candidate will have to submit a medical – fitness certificate from a doctor not below the rank of a CDMO/CMO to the appointing authority.

(a) Admission to the Written Examination/Viva Voice test will be provisional. If, on verification at any stage before or after the Written Examination/Viva Voice test, it is found that a candidate does not fulfill all the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be liable for rejection. Decision of the State Selection Board in regard to eligibility or otherwise of candidate shall be final.
(b) This advertisement should not be construed as binding on the Government to make appointment.
(c) Every candidate on his/her first appointment to the service shall be on probation for a period of two years with effect from his/her actual date of joining to the post. The appointment can be terminated on one month notice from either side without assigning any reason thereof.
(d) If a candidate intends to apply for more than one discipline should submit separate online application forms along with requisite fees.
(e) The date of conduct of written examination will be notified later in the Website.
(f) The eligible candidate will be required to download their Admission Card from the Website for Written Examination. No separate Admission Card will be sent to the candidates.
(g) All persons appointed shall not be eligible for pension as defined under Odisha Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1992; but shall be covered by the defined Contribution Pension Scheme in accordance with the Odisha Civil Service (Pension) Amendment Rules, 2005.
(h) Mere empanelment in the select list shall not confer any right for appointment.

Candidates short listed for viva-voce test are required to submit along with the Print out/Hard copy of Online Applications, true copies of academic qualifications duly attested by the candidate himself or by any Gazetted Officer or Notary Public. The candidates are also required to put their full signature on each document. They must have to produce the Original Certificates before the Verifying Officer, as and when intimated for the same.
(a) H.S.C. or equivalent certificate with mark sheet in support of declaration of age issued by the concerned Board/Council.
(b) Intermediate/+2 Examination certificate with mark sheet issued by the concerned Board/Council.
(c) Bachelor’s Degree certificate with mark sheet issued by recognized University.
(d) Master’s Degree certificate with mark sheet issued by recognized University.
(e) M.phil. Degree with mark sheet issued by recognized University.
(f) Ph.D. Degree issued by recognized University.
(g) Persons working in any Private/Aided/Non-Aided Colleges must have to submit an experience certificate from the appropriate authority, duly countersigned by the Regional Director of Higher Education of their respective zone.
(h) Two recent passport size photographs (unsigned and unattested) which has been uploaded in the online application form.
(i) Certificates of conduct from the College/University in which he/she last studied.
(j) Caste Certificate from appropriate authority.
(k) Required Odia pass certificate from the Principal/Headmaster of the school indicating that the candidate has passed Odia in M.E. Standard.
(l) Discharge Certificate issued by the Commanding Officer of the Unit last served wherever applicable.
(m) Disability Certificate (indicating percentage of disability) of Physically Handicapped candidate issued by the concerned Medical Board, wherever applicable. The cases of PwD candidates shall be referred to Appellate Medical Board constituted by the W & CD Department vide Notification No.16430 /WCD Dt. 06.09.2011 for re-examination. Appointment order shall be issued if such candidates are found genuine by the Board.
(n) Identity Card of Sports Persons issued by the Director of Sports, Odisha, where ever applicable.
(o) No Objection Certificate issued by the competent authority, wherever applicable.
(p) If a candidate claims to possess qualification, equivalent to the prescribed qualification, the rule/authority (with number and date) under which it is so treated, must be furnished.

(a) Candidate must apply online through the concerned website.
(b) Candidate must go through the detailed INSTRUCTIONS before filling up Online Application Form.
(c) Candidates are requested to upload their latest passport size photograph along with scanned image of his/her full signature and left hand thumb impression, which must be clearly identifiable/visible, otherwise the application of the candidate is liable to be rejected.
(d) The requisite fees must be deposited in any branch of the State Bank of India at the time of on-line application.

N.B: In case of any dispute, the decision of the State Selection Board is
Binding and final.

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